Algebraic Topology (148)

Winter 2007. Class MWF11-11.50 in 320-220.


Course description

This is an introductory undergraduate course in algebraic topology. Topics will include: classification of surfaces, the fundamental group, covering spaces, knot theory, homology, and basic homotopy theory.


Course information

Textbook: William S. Massey, Algebraic Topology: An Introduction.

Another useful (through more advanced) reference: Allen Hatcher, Algebraic Topology (available at

Here is the syllabus for the course.

Here are the homework assignments:

Homework is due Fridays by 3pm in David Ayala’s mailbox.

The course CA is David Ayala, 380N, ayala at math.
Office Hours: T2.30-4, R5.30-7.


Contact information

Christopher Douglas
Office: 382C
Phone: 723-7173
Email: cdouglas at math
Office Hours: M3.45-5, W12.45-2